Gobernanza alineada - Documento de estrategia
Sovereign Finance has a balanced strategy for MakerDAO that aims to maintain stability while also promoting growth and innovation. This AVC supports the vision and roadmap outlined in the Endgame towards decentralization.
Cryptocurrencies were created with the idea of returning the power of money to individuals. And we believe that MakerDAO should position itself and lead the growing financial revolution that enables autonomy, independence, and self-governance.
This voter committee's central values will be:
Growth and Adoption: We will drive and support all initiatives that allow for massive growth and adoption of DAI while reducing risks associated with the protocol, particularly assets that could compromise its economic stability. During pre-game and early end game, we believe DAI's peg should stay as close to 1:1 as possible, a crucial factor to achieve much wider adoption, especially in developing countries; as a stable currency, it should convey safety and trust to DAI holders to achieve this purpose.
Long-term Sustainability and Revenue: We will support and promote all initiatives and proposals that develop reliable, secure, and revenue-stable products for the protocol. It is necessary to provide healthy and stable sources of income that keep the DAO and protocol actors and participants aligned to guarantee that MakerDAO remains a relevant project over time.
Security and reliability: We will also be alert to potential points of excessive centralization that could affect the protocol. Allowing us to guarantee optimal security, thus transmitting greater security for DAI holders, partners, and participants in the protocol.
Ethos and commitment: We will actively contribute to the spread of DAI to all corners of Latin America and the world. We are committed to participating in the forum discussions. debates and in all activities carried out in the DAO. We will promote and spread not only DAI but also everything that surrounds the MakerDAO protocol in Latin American communities. Our ethos is aligned with the values of MakerDAO, and therefore our commitment goes beyond mere participation in governance.
This AVC supports the vision and roadmap outlined in the Endgame towards decentralization. We believe that it is currently useful and beneficial to accept certain trade-offs between centralization and profit for sustainable growth in the short and medium term. However, we firmly believe that decentralization is a requirement that will define the success or failure of the protocol in the long term. Therefore, we expect ecosystem actor’s proposals that introduce new business models to Maker to have clear definitions regarding duration, expected benefits, and how they propose to transition to a fully decentralized model that will not pose risks to the protocol.
As an organization committed to the principles of decentralization, autonomy, and self-governance, we believe that supporting public goods is a crucial component of creating a sustainable and inclusive financial ecosystem. MakerDAO has the potential to be a leading force in the cryptocurrency community by actively contributing to the development and maintenance of public goods that benefit the broader community.